What is Integrative Medicine? 

Integrative medicine, as defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) “combines mainstream medical therapies and CAM therapies for which there is some high-quality scientific evidence of safety and effectiveness.”


What is our mission? 

The Mundo Pato department of Integrative Medicine is committed to offer tested curricula for integrative medicine experts, corporate wellness centers, and community centers to enhance community, client and employee wellness. We apply state-of-the-art technology to enhance the science and time tested traditions of integrative medicine.
As a therapist and wellness leader, you will enjoy turn-key wellness solutions to offer to your respective clients and community in the fields of:

  • Naturopathic Medicine

  • Chinese Medicine

  • Reflex Therapy

  • Ayurvedic Medicine

  • Nutrition

  • Homeopathy

  • Mind-Body Therapies (Yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi)

  • Physical Fitness

  • Botany and Herbs

  • Wellness Therapies (Music, Art, Laughter, Hydrotherapy, Cranial Sacral, Dance, Gardening, etc.)



Our Curriculum, Your Curriculum...

We have leaders in their respective fields placing their specialized curricula and programs on the cloud with us.   Your clients, students, employees and community can benefit from the cross-promotion of these diverse programs.  We will keep you posted of our upcoming programs in Integrative Medicine: Naturopathic Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Reflexology, Nutrition, Physical Fitness, Yoga and other Mind-Body therapies.  Your investment in these curricula developed by leaders in their fields will pay immediate dividends with professional system support, marketing and sales- not to mention treatment plans, education, curricula, documents, providing turn-key solutions for new professionals or practice expansion for seasoned professionals committed to new techniques taught by the best in their fields. 


We invite thought leaders to join us to place their curricula or programs on the Mundo Pato cloud.